Travel - Hidden Heaven - Sulamadaha Beach - Ternate (Indonesia)

Enjoy the blue of the water Sulamadaha

Sulamadaha Beach beauty can be a best option for those of you who want to vacation. With the water being so clear, many people who later said if the water is clear as glass Sulamadaa. Because of the clear water in the waters around this Sulamadaha beach, then do not go down even swim or snorkel you can already see the beauty of the coral-coral at the bottom of shallow waters.

If you feel Jaunty swim, relax on the beach while enjoying the breeze is the best choice you can do, but if it still has more power, it would not hurt you to try canoeing down the waters of Area Sulamadaha and visit the small island nearby called Pulau Hiri.

Visiting Turkish Sulamadaha could be an attractive option, because it is not far from this location you can also proceed to other spots no less beautiful, or in other words you do visit Sulamadaha Beach to become a strategic visit.

Transport Towards Sulamadaha Beach

If you want to try to enjoy the beauty of the beach Sulamadaha, then you only need to drive by car or motorcycle to reach it. It is only within approximately 14 kilometers from the center of the city of Ternate you can use public transport which will take approximately 1 hour trip just to get to this beach area.

A little note for those of you who want to try to cross to the island Hiri which is directly opposite the beach Sulamadaha, then you can use a canoe or boat that is widely available around the Sulamadaha Beach. Off the boat that can take you to the island Hiri ranged in price of 20 thousand rupiah.