4 Mistakes Make It If You Want to Stay Fat

Eating while watching TV.
 If you're one of those people who eat while watching TV, should stop doing it. Because the research shows, a person consumes excess calories while eating while watching TV. If you want to watch TV, you should do while sports and not eating.

Skipping a meal.
 Have an ideal body shape that does not mean do not eat. You must remember that the body also need the intake. Just choose the menu every day and set regular mealtimes. By doing so, you can still have the ideal body shape, but also not skip meals.

Free meal.
 Maybe you do not realize, if you eat quickly it could result in the consumption of excess calories. Because the faster you eat, the more food that can be consumed. As a result, your stomach does not give the signal of satiety at the right time. Enjoy your food at the proper time.

Bingeing during the weekends.
 Activities that are so debilitating in regular days it does not mean you can eat haphazardly during weekends. Stay organized with your eating patterns with routine. Not a lot to eat, but what you eat.

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