3 Magic Words, Change Your Life

‘Sorry’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are magic words that make a person feel important, pacify tempers, strengthen bonds and at times mend strained relationships.

The above three words so familiar to our ears. Anyone would agree that these three words are words that are accustomed to pronounce in interactions among humans. The word "sorry", "Please" and "Thank You" is a simple words and simple, but actually have tremendous strength and significantly positive in establishing good social relationships between people. 3 It can glue the cord of friendship and fraternity, closer social relations are tenuous, can melt stiffness communication even if Allah wills could defuse a dispute or difference of opinion.

How much we say sorry when we do wrong ?, how often do we say thank you when it has aided, and how sincere we say please when we are in distress? 

1. "Thank You" was more costly than the money

There is not one day of our life which we spend without taking help from another person.
Therefore, do not ignore gratitude. Do not forget to thank those who have taken the time to help. Sincere or not they help us it was none of their business. Most importantly gratitude that we say is a way to appreciate the help they provide. Does not need the money, because the money in some cases it may make others even offended not feel appreciated.

It could be because of gratitude, relief that was not sincere changed so sincere right? And assistance will be sincere sincere again.

2. Sorry

Saying “Sorry” for something we have done wrong, whether intentionally or unintentionally, may be a bit hard on our ego as admitting a mistake is often difficult.
The term seems very easy to say. But in fact, this word requires a bit of courage and sincerity to get out with his outspoken of our mouths. when we ask for forgiveness means we dare to admit defeat and error and want to improve behavior. It It requires humility from us. Often, we are reluctant to admit mistakes and tend to blame as much as possible. Selfish and arrogant this will make us more stupid than before and will not learn anything.

3. If You Need Help, Say Help

Often we take things for granted and order other people to do things for us, rather than requesting them to oblige
The word Help! Is the last magic word that will make our work so much lighter! This word, when we speak to others will make people feel valued and needed. As social beings we can not live without the help of those around us. This word makes us aware of our limitations and weaknesses.

4. Please, Sorry and Thank You. Rewarding a form at once Know yourself

There is not one day of our life which we spend without taking help from another person.
The more mature we will be more aware of what is good and what is bad. Where appropriate and what is not spoken. One way we can respect of others later on with how we value others.

5. Use 3 Words That and See Influence in the Life

What would happen, if we live without ever getting the slightest gratitude from others? Definitely we will feel useless and ultimately have no attachment with others. Children who never praised and given acknowledgments would be great without being able to appreciate others. In spite of it all, like Abraham Maslow said, humans have a need to be appreciated (by rewards and praise). Thus, he feels himself mean and hopefully we can give more to the surroundings.

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